Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Construction: EDITING PROCESS - Pio George

Editing Process

Our group learnt that editing takes time and precision, we also needed to ensure that our opening met the criteria to be a great thriller opening. Our group were using Final Cut Pro on the Apple Macs for editing our opening to a thriller.

There were various functions that was helpful in making our thriller opening better. One of these functions we found useful was fade in and fade out function. It allowed us to easily  transition our production logo to our distribution logo, and from that to the opening scene of the  thriller.

                                                                          Fade out
                                                                           Fade in

Also, a function that was useful was the slow motion effect. The slow motion effect allowed us to slow down scenes such as the main character smiling, this would have an effect on the audience as it would make them feel uneasy.

Another effect we used was the image stabilizer effect. This effect allowed us to stabilize our shaky scenes and it made them still and more clear. We used this for the shower head scene as it was one of the most shaky scenes and it made the shot better.

Problems during the Editing Process

We faced problems with the music. Our group had put in the music 'Tip toe by the window'  during the film process and during the editing phase we found out it was copyrighted, and we could  not remove the music. However, we overcame this problem by decreasing the volume of that music  and adding in another music, which was not copyrighted, to cover up the original music we used. 

There were problems with the logo's. We had to make our own logos, as we created logos using images that were copyrighted so it could not be used. But, we made our own logos, using Microsoft Power-Point. We had to change the old production logo to a new one. 

                                                                 New Production logo                              

                                                                New Distribution Logo

                                                                   Old Production Logo                                       

                                                                  Old Distribution Logo


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