1. Preliminary Task
The preliminary task allowed our group to gain experience on how to film using cameras and use editing software. As we filmed our preliminary task on the 'flip camera' and it took us around 30-40 minutes to film the scenes we needed. After filming, we spent our time on editing and we cut out some scenes. Our group was able to do this by using the editing software, 'Final Cut Pro' on the iMac's. From the preliminary task, I learnt what filming and editing was like and that I needed to take care with filming and editing as a mistake can lead to redoing it from scratch.
2. Research
We researched several film openings to gain an understanding of what film openings are like and what they consist of e.g. the titles. I had used the opening to Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Russo, 2014). Also, we did research on thriller conventions, to know what types of conventions we needed to include in our own thriller opening e.g. low-key lighting, scenes of suspense and tension music. I had created my own ideas for a opening to a thriller to present to my group. This was done by doing research on thriller films and using them as references e.g. Taken. Also, we created separate audience profiles on teenagers and did a mind map of what teenagers like to do and what type of films they like.

Our group did individual research on production and distribution companies. We had also made our own production and distribution logo's for our thriller, we discussed as a group on what logos we were going to use and we decided for our production company it is going to be, 'Baseline Productions' created by Morgan Noel. The distribution company was going to be 'Screen Shot Entertainment,' which was created by Pio George. From my research, I have learnt that it is vital to have extensive research on hand to use as a reference and that you need your own idea of what a thriller looks like. As a thriller as many aspects to it and these must be followed correctly, otherwise it would not be a thriller opening.

3. Planning
Each person in our group created their own podcast with the group and pitched their ideas. After one person pitched their idea we gave our opinion and gave positive and negative points about the ideas. We brought all our ideas together and we we created our initial idea. The initial idea was presented to the class and it was recorded, and they gave feedback for our initial idea. The feedback for our initial idea was mostly negative as the class believed we were leaning away from the thriller aspect of our opening and moving more into social realism. Our group used the feedback and we created a brand new idea from scratch and discussed it in a podcast. We then went on to use it for our opening to a thriller. From planning, I have learnt that it is important to discuss your ideas and receive feedback, as without feedback from other people, it would be difficult for us to know what went wrong and how we can improve on it.
4. Technical codes
Our group did research on technical codes such as 3 point lighting, rule of thirds and, sound, lighting and balance. We researched technical codes as we wanted to add as much aspects of thrillers as we could. Our group believed that it will improve our thriller opening during the production process. Examples of technical codes are rule of thirds, lighting and sound. From technical codes, I have learnt that it is important to know all the aspects of a thriller as it would allow us to improve our thriller opening greatly.
1. Construction: Filming Process
The production process took around 3 hours to complete. The first scene we filmed was the shower scene, the shower head was the establishing shot and then we filmed the main character, played by Ben Conway, in the shower with a low-angle shot. Also, we filmed Ben shaving and added over the shoulder shots and close up shots in this scene
Afterwards, we filmed Ben getting ready and a close-up of his hand putting on his watch, then after that we filmed Ben going down the stairs. Next, we filmed Ben walking into the kitchen were he first examines a sharp knife then he drops it and picks up a butter-knife. We also filmed him preparing toast and we filmed a scene of Ben eating the toast.
We moved on to filming Ben putting on his blazer and walking towards the door. Then we filmed Ben nearly tripping over, we did a low-angle shot of him looking down and smiling. Next, we filmed Ben picking up a bag and leaving out the front door and after the door is shut, then the camera slowly moves down and reveals a dead body, which is played by Morgan, and we focus on Morgans eye and slowly zoom into his eye. From the production process, I have learnt that filming needed effort and patience as some scenes would not work out, or others may be too blurry to use in the opening. Also, each individual scene had to be redone 2 or 3 times to ensure that only the best shots were filmed.
1. Construction: Editing
The editing process took our group 2 weeks to complete. Our groups used the editing software using Final Cut Pro on the Apple Macs and used several of its effects. One effect we used was fade in/out effect. This effect allowed us to easily transition our production logo to our distribution logo. Another effect we used was the slow motion effect. The slow motion effect allowed us to slow down scenes such as the character smiling and letting out a small laugh. Also, we used was the image stabilizer effect. This effect allowed us to stabilize our shaky scenes and it made them still and more clear. Our group learnt that editing takes time and precision, as we needed to ensure our opening met the criteria for a great thriller opening. We found many effects useful when we were using Final Cut Pro on the Apple Macs.

2. Rough Cut
Our group posted a rough cut of our thriller opening. We had used the rough cut to gain feedback from the audience and they gave both positive and negative feedback.
3. Final Thriller Opening
Our group posted our final thriller opening. The audience gave positive feedback. They loved the more edited version of our opening, said it looks more professional.
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